Eddie Has Officially Become the Worst Blue Bloods Character in Season 13

Well, it looks like the Blue Bloods writers have really outdone themselves this season. Eddie Reagan, a once beloved character, has somehow managed to become the most annoying and unrealistic character on the show in season 13. Bravo, guys.
According to some fans, Eddie used to be a "badass," but now she just complains to her husband Jamie every time she has a problem. Gee, I can't imagine why anyone would find that annoying. And apparently, the writers just keep letting this terrible portrayal of a character continue without any intervention. Oh boy, I can't wait to see what they come up with next.
But hey, at least Eddie's behavior is consistent with other characters on the show, like Danny Reagan. You know, except for the fact that Danny is seen as a "badass" and Eddie is just annoying. That makes total sense.
Honestly, I can't believe the writers haven't just made Eddie a detective yet. I mean, she's clearly been investigating things and not letting cases go, so why not just give her the promotion she clearly deserves? And if Baez happens to leave the show for some reason, I'm sure it would be completely plausible for Eddie to be paired up with Danny as her first partner. Can't wait for all the "Don't tell me how to treat my partner!!!" and "Stop putting my wife in danger!!!" drama.
All in all, it's clear that the Blue Bloods writers have really dropped the ball with Eddie's character in season 13. However, hope is not lost, because some Blue Bloods fans still care about Eddie enough to give that questionable writing another chance.
"I like Eddie though I do think the writing for her has gone downhill lately. I agree though, she brings something different to the table which is fresh and definitely needed. I wish she'd do more undercover stuff - those are my faves with her. So yeah I acknowledge the writing for her is weak ATM but I still think she's far from the worst character in the show," as one of the show's fans put it on Reddit.
Here's hoping they can turn things around and give Eddie the dynamic storyline she surely deserves. Or, you know, just keep letting her be the worst character on the show. Either way.