Everything We Know About 'Stranger Things' Season 5 So Far

Everything We Know About 'Stranger Things' Season 5 So Far
Image credit: Legion-Media

Are you ready for another year of waiting?

Now that 'Stranger Things ' season 4 is wrapped up, fans are craving to know more about how the story continues; but most importantly, when it continues.

The Duffer brothers decided not to keep us in the dark for too long, so here's everything we know about the upcoming new season of 'Stranger Things' so far.

When will season 5 come out?

Yes, the wait for next season will be long, but the good news is that at least we know with a high degree of accuracy how many months we will have to survive without new episodes. The info comes from a reliable enough source: our favorite Jim Hopper himself.

The filming of the 'Stranger Things' season 5 is expected to start next year, David Harbour ( Jim Hopper) told GQ.

"They're finishing writing it this year, and they need to prep and stuff, so hopefully it'll be this year," Harbour said. "But I think that's the plan. So it'd probably come out mid-2024, based on our track record."

Where the season 5 will take place?

As the Upside Down begins to infiltrate Hawkins while the locals, non-the-wiser, are recovering from an "earthquake", it's the hometown of our favorite gang that is going to become a final battle zone. No more travelling, no more glamorous out-of-Hawkins settings and locations: everyone returns to their home-turf for one last fight against Vecna.

The Duffer brothers themselves also spilled some tea in the latest episode of 'Happy Sad Confused' podcast. They said that 'Stranger Things' season 5 is going to take place entirely in Hawkins and is going to feature "a lot of the original groupings and pairings" that were in season 1.

How long the season 5 episodes will be?

The Duffer brothers say that episodes in the new season are going to be shorter than those in season 4. That is, they explain, due to viewers already having enough time in season 4 to get to know the kids and the problems they face, but season 5 is going to have them right in the middle of the action.

"Characters are already going to be in action, they're already going to have a goal and a drive, and I think that's going to carve out at least a couple hours and make this season feel really different," Matt Duffer explained.

But the season finale is still going to be just as long as an average feature movie, the directors assured.

"I'm sure the wrap-up will be a lot longer," Matt joked, going to add that "It's going to be Return of the King-ish with, like, eight endings."

This might be good news for those who already feel tired of waiting for the new season, even though it's been less than a week since the premiere of the season 4 finale.

Season 5 is going to be a final one for 'Stranger Things', and there is a good chance that the story's conclusion is going to leave fans even more emotional and heartbroken than season 4 did. So it might be good to have a full year to mentally prepare ourselves for the end of the Hawkins saga.

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