Fan Theory Explains Why Kevin is Not in Home Alone 3, And It's Just Dark

Fan Theory Explains Why Kevin is Not in Home Alone 3, And It's Just Dark
Image credit: Legion-Media

Goodbye, innocence. Hello, trauma. Thanks, Home Alone theory.

Home Alone 3 is the first movie in the iconic Christmas franchise that does not feature Kevin McCallister. A dark fan theory offers a believable explanation as to why — and it's not exactly a light-hearted suggestion.

According to Redditor Slavedriver21, the reason we never see Kevin in the third movie is because Harry and Marv actually managed to get him arrested after all.

Why, one might wonder? Well, Kevin basically "committed borderline murder", even though the two burglars invaded his house. Instead of trying to call the police, the boy resorted to violence himself and apparently tortured the two criminals to the point they were able to sue the family themselves.

But it only goes darker. According to the theory, the judge charges Kevin with first degree attempted murder, since Harry and Marv's injuries were too serious.

"He's not seen in 3 or 4 because he's awaiting death row. The house is a death trap, not even the Army would head inside," the theory escalates. "His mother is pissed, his father is horrified and his sister and brother want nothing to do with the little psychopath."

Now that's a merry Christmas no one asked for. However, movie fans had their counter-arguments ready.

"I know Americans love a bit of litigation culture, but Kevin's family could afford a set of lawyers to get compensation claims from Marv and Harry squashed," Redditor daft_boy_dim said.

Many people believe that Kevin only escaped an actual jail term because he was a kid. If he was an adult, it would definitely make it harder for us to root for him this entire time.

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