Fan Video Perfectly Sums Up Every Supernatural Episode in a Nutshell

Don't have time for 15 seasons? Don't worry, you can actually watch Supernatural in less than a minute.
Supernatural has been around for 15 years, and the Winchester brothers have been through so much that there's basically nothing in the world they can't handle. However, one pattern has been a classic for the show all these years, and one fan video managed to sum it up perfectly.
So if you don't feel like binge-watching 15 seasons in a row, a short clip from YouTuber TheJacksonField will give you a recap of... pretty much every Supernatural episode.
A few clues pointing to a new monster, mixed with some jokes, followed by Castiel appearing for a moment or two only to complelely ignore Sam and disappear, sprinkled with "another way out" that is always there. Oh, and don't forget the iconic soundtrack.
However, true fans of Supernatural have noticed that something is missing from the recap.
"Only one thing missing: The conversation about how they need to work things out at the end of the episode driving in baby," one fan noted in the comments.
Another fan felt that the short clip was nowhere near capturing all the drama.
"Literally not true. Dean would have died at least three times in the span of this scene causing Sam to have to hunt down a cursed tricycle that he could ride into hell to save Dean from becoming Lucifers cage dancer. Like, have you even seen the show?" the fan joked in the comments.
The YouTuber managed to get everything accurate, right down to the character's voices and mannerisms. From "Shammy!" to "Hello Dean," the video is filled with everything we love about Supernatural...even if it is a little cringe-worthy at times.