Fans Wonder Why Harry Styles Pulled Out of Eggers’ ‘Nosferatu’ Remake

Harry Styles is not only a musician but also an actor – you remember him from his small but dramatic role in ‘Dunkirk’, and you most certainly have spotted him portraying Eros in ‘Eternals’ post-credit scene.
Turns out Harry Styles was set to be a part of Robert Eggers’ remake of ‘Nosferatu’, but pulled out “at the last minute”, according to New Yorker.
The report said Styles was concerned about scheduling problems that might occur, so the fans immediately started to guess what could have been behind it.
Some suggested that it was his part in ‘Eternals’ that messed up ‘Nosferatu’ plans.
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Others argued it could be about his upcoming music album and therefore another tour.
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Some people were apparently happy about Harry not making it.
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‘Nosferatu’ was set to begin filming in the Czech capital city of Prague this spring, with Anya Taylor-Joy also attached to star. However, Harry’s change of mind has shuffled the plans for the crew. The future of the remake remains unclear, with Eggers still hoping he will be able to finish the long-stalled project.