TV Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Find Your Brooklyn Nine-Nine Match Based on Your Myers-Briggs Type

Find Your Brooklyn Nine-Nine Match Based on Your Myers-Briggs Type
Image credit: Legion-Media

Andy Samberg's absurdist show is one of the most popular sitcoms of the last decade, and the dorky but lovable cops of Precinct 99 are the biggest reason for the show's success.

And if you've always felt a connection to one of the show's characters, now you can finally find out if that particular hero is your soulmate using the Myers-Briggs personality test!

Given how silly and hilariously every single character on Brooklyn Nine-Nine behaves, it was quite a challenge to deduce their personality types, as it's really unlikely that any of them would have taken such a complex test seriously.

However, the test is designed so thoroughly that we actually managed to come up with a pretty realistic-sounding list. After all, the show's writers clearly knew how to create believable, if somewhat goofy, characters, and the Myers-Briggs personality types fit the Hollywood archetypes pretty well.

Use this list as an excuse to dive back into the show, this time paying more attention to the characters themselves, and see if our assessments of the heroes ring true for you.

After all, identifying with a character from a beloved modern sitcom might actually help you find out something about yourself, don't you think?