Galadriel Needs to be Taken Down a Peg in The Rings of Power Season 2

Now that the first season of The Rings of Power has come to an end, much of its audience is forming their overall conclusions on what the show has done very well, as well as the elements of the series that definitely need improving.
No one has received as much criticism as one of its main characters Galadriel, since the series first aired in September. Now viewers are sharing their own judgments of how Galadriel needs to improve as a character in the following season. And they are not holding back.
Fan's true feelings about the show are clear from the r/RingsofPower threads posted by Redditors. One thread, which discusses Galadriel's 'angry' personality throughout the first season, mentions how they think the character would improve by becoming a closer representation of her characters from the books. Galadriel's presence in the series depicts a vengeful warrior; who has solely dedicated herself to defeating her enemy Sauron at all costs, including at the expense of others.
"...her hubris always seems to pay off. I'd like to see her overestimate her abilities, and be humbled somewhat, for once... That or have something else happen that humbles her personally and makes her act a little less like a brat and the only smart person in the room in every interaction." – u/IllogicalShart
This is obviously very different from her personification in the novels, where she has a much more tranquil nature and acts as a protector of her people and others. Although some fans agree that to see Galadriel as a younger version of herself, who clearly has not yet grown into the person she will become, is still very fitting within the overall narrative. Many are eager to watch her character progress into a version much closer to how she is traditionally depicted.
Redditors also point out the similarities in the series between Galadriel and Sauron. Both are driven by their own impulses. Galadriel even comes close at times to her own acts of evil. For example, when she almost kills a defenceless Adar. This may be reflected in the close friendship she forms with Halbrand before she discovers he was Sauron himself all along. This epiphany may help Galadriel going forward to realise the error of her ways. Learning greater respect for the people of Middle-Earth, and retiring her sword for diplomacy instead.
Either way, Galadriel still has a long way to go until she becomes the version of the character fans are desperate for. Amazon arguably took a risk including such a well-known character in their original series, as there are high expectations to meet for Galadriel's arc. The Rings of Power will reportedly be five seasons in total, leading right up to Sauron's initial defeat. There is still much time for Galadriel to find her footing as a character. It will all depend if the writers for season 2 will listen to her most loyal fans or not.