TV Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Fans Only Really Cared About One Major Plotline

Game of Thrones Fans Only Really Cared About One Major Plotline
Image credit: Legion-Media

Game of Thrones was a fairy complex show plot-wise — so complex, in fact, that many fans were only paying attention to a fracture of the storylines. But which one?

Love it or hate it, Game of Thrones showed the world new horizons when it comes to the sheer scale of a TV series.

Hundreds upon hundreds of characters, many dozen various storylines, both small and big, and an overwhelming sense of the grandeur of the show made it really stick out of the rest and earn its position as the #1 TV series.

However, the complexity of the plot and the number of different storylines also led to some of the fans completely losing track of what was going on. Smaller stories are easy to forget, but even some of the biggest arcs were not really paid much attention to, as the show’s fans now admit.

The entirety of Game of Thrones storylines can be divided into three main branches: the North, the East, and Westeros.

In the North, we have the Night's Watch and the Walkers; in the East, there’s Daenerys and the Free Cities; and in Westeros, there’s a whole lot of backstabbing and war alliances.

When recently, the fans over at Game of Thrones’ biggest subreddit decided to figure out which of these major storylines was everyone’s favorite, no one was surprised to see the Westeros arc being in the lead by a large margin. Many fans even claim that they only saw the North and the East plots as “complementary.”

This is an understandable outcome considering the overwhelming action was concentrated in the central parts of the continent.

For the longest time, it felt like Daenerys and Jon were isolated from the rest of the show (because they were) and had no real impact on anything. Those were just separate little stories.

This, of course, changed later in the show after both the last Targaryens and their crews joined the Big Game going on on the mainland.

Game of Thrones Fans Only Really Cared About One Major Plotline - image 1

Still, it’s curious that the two characters that were not getting nearly enough love for years plot-wise became the fans’ favorite protagonists in the entire show. This doesn’t make their stories more thrilling, though.

We guess it goes to show three things. First, the audience craves politics and backstabbing. Second, taking years to develop characters can pay off massively in the end.

Third, you can stay locked in your little capsule and not interact with anyone outside of it for the longest time and everyone will be chill with it if you’re cute enough.

Source: Reddit