General Hospital Fans Are Sick and Tired of These 5 Characters & Want Them Off the Show

Will they be missed? We doubt that.
General Hospital fans are one of the most loyal people on the planet. Being with the show that has been on air for more than 60 years is a thing to be actually proud of, because as we all know, soap operas can sometimes be very tough to handle.
As usual, no rules apply to the soap operas as they live by their own rules. A dead character can come back alive after 100 episodes, just as the long-lost twin brother can appear on screen when you least expect anything like that.
Another thing about soap operas is that the cast of a show is huge, and when the writers keep introducing new characters when the old ones are just hanging there with no stories, it really annoys the fans.
So they just wish that half of the cast would be cut and the rest of the characters would be given proper storylines. Here are just a few of the characters that fans are sick and tired of.
1. Sonny
Although it seems impossible for the show’s main protagonist to leave it, many fans are clearly tired of every story he is in. Mostly because they are all hero-mob related. Seems like the writers have forgotten what the show was originally about when it started.
“Probably not a popular opinion, but I'd like to see General Hospital get back to more hospital oriented stories than stupid shoot 'em up and Sonny temper tantrum stories. If they find they just can't let go of the mob, at least show that they aren't good guys,” Redditor junknowho said.
2. Blaze (Kristia's girlfriend)
This character has so many reasons to be hated we don’t even know where to start. Many fans of the series seem to think that the actress Eva LaRue is not right for the show and isn’t “vibing” with it. But the most important is the storyline given to her. Annoying messy girlfriend with a mother being everywhere is just irritating as hell.
“Before Valentin was revealed to be the villain, I thought Eva La Rue was going to be exposed as some sort of mob boss. I hate GH’s mob storylines but damn, that would have been a better use of Eva than what we got,” Redditor StrangerDays-7 said.
3. Drew
Drew is also voted off the island. The storyline of his and Nina's messy relationship seems to have run its course, and it's no longer fun to see him chasing after different women every episode. The fans are now all united in waiting for the writers to prove them right that the man is a fake and finally kick him off the show.
4. Finn
Many fans keep saying that there's no need for Finn anymore. They also imply that his whole family can go too, but starting with him will be enough. He has been given so many chances to finally mature and become a man, but he chooses to be a little teenager and creeps out the viewers. Time to go!
5. The entire Ashford family (except for Stella)
Why the whole family? Because the fans of the show couldn't decide who of the clan they hated more. It was only agreed that Stella can stay, but only if the writers show her more in the hospital canvas, rather than at home. Or else – she is the next candidate to be kissed goodbye.