General Hospital’s Ladies Must Be Bored, And Show Needs To Fix It ASAP

General Hospital’s Ladies Must Be Bored, And Show Needs To Fix It ASAP
Image credit: ABC

It’s not raining men in Port Charles.


  • General Hospital is an ABC soap opera that has been on the air since 1963.
  • The show continues the stories of many old characters, some of whom have been around for several decades.
  • However, fans feel that there's an urgent need for more young adult male characters to move the story forward.

When a TV show reaches 60 years on the air, it deserves some recognition, no matter what state it's in today.

If ABC continues to keep General Hospital on the air and not move it to the web, it means it still has enough viewers to make money for the network. Even if that means tougher production conditions, it's still a sign that the soap is popular enough to keep going.

The only issue is, in order to keep viewers' attention in the future, General Hospital needs to start making changes now.

While many of the old characters are still adored by viewers, the younger audience is eager to see younger characters appear in Port Charles as the older generation slowly fades into the background. Right now, the show is struggling with that, and fans may have an idea why that's happening.

Young Adult Men Of General Hospital

General Hospital’s Ladies Must Be Bored, And Show Needs To Fix It ASAP - image 1

The problem that many viewers feel may be fatal to the show is that just about every other young man who appears in Port Charles is killed off and not brought back in a soapy way. It's not just a youth issue: every character killed off in the last few years, with the exception of Britt, has been male.

This has created an imbalance for all generations, but it's the young people who are supposed to be the fresh blood and the driving force of the show. In order for a soap like General Hospital to continue in the future, it has to be generational, and right now there aren't nearly enough people to produce new life.

Right now, there are a lot of women who don't really have much of a storyline because there's no one to pair them with. Esme, Lulu, Ava, and Maxie all ended up in a position of loneliness, which shouldn't be killing their development, but in the context of a soap opera, it absolutely is.

Is it unfortunate that no soap opera can write interesting plots for young women outside of relationships? It certainly is. Is there anything the audience can do about it? There is nothing. So the only thing viewers can do is wait for more casting news and updates.

Maybe 2024 will be the year of change for General Hospital as well. To see where it will lead Port Charles, don't forget to tune in to ABC Monday through Friday.

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