GoT: Bran Being King is Nothing More Than a Case of Martin's Bad Writing

GoT: Bran Being King is Nothing More Than a Case of Martin's Bad Writing
Image credit: HBO

Game of Thrones fans had very mixed reactions to the finale, for a variety of reasons.

But some have pointed out that one aspect infuriates them above all others. Bran the Broken becoming King. Despite the seemingly heart-warming notion of Bran becoming the ultimate ruler and therefore "winning" the Game of Thrones, fans feel this is just lazy writing for several reasons.

Firstly, Bran won a game that he was not even playing. He did not seek to become King, wish to become King, or even seem particularly enthused about being crowned.

Fans feel that it would have made for a far more interesting watch to learn that the Three-Eyed Raven (who now inhabits Bran's body, remember?) had planned for this exact outcome and merely used the boy as a vessel.

Secondly, everyone seemed far too easily accepting of their new King. Nobody objected, and no one even seemed to ponder trying to leverage his new power to their advantage.

The entire show had built its reputation around the complexities and motivations of the different characters and fans saw it as a real letdown that everyone seemed to just go along with Bran being crowned and that was that.

Thirdly, Bran cannot father children. This sets the realm up for a nasty civil war in the years to come, as despite his unique powers, he will not live forever.

How will the next King or Queen be decided? This is not addressed, and nobody bothers to raise it as a possible issue or even a point of discussion.

Fourth, and as touched on above, Bran is not even human anymore. He has stated multiple times that Bran Stark is dead and that he never returned from beyond The Wall.

And that he is now basically the corpse of a child that is being controlled by the Three-Eyed Raven. How can such a being even be considered to rule over all the lands?

The motivation of the Three-Eyed Raven is barely understood and has not been fully explored. Even Bran himself (who is apparently now dead) has no idea what it wants. But not a single person seems to care about this unusual fact.

GoT: Bran Being King is Nothing More Than a Case of Martin's Bad Writing - image 1

Finally, fans feel that even all the above glaring issues aside, the biggest reason for Bran's crowning was lazy writing because there was very little character development invested in him.

So much more time was spent on all the other characters, and Bran was almost forgotten about, being a background character at best. Then suddenly he is King? Fans were not amused.

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