TV House of the Dragon Game of Thrones

GoT Writers, Take a Hint: This Villain Twist is What Jon Snow Spinoff Needs to Succeed

GoT Writers, Take a Hint: This Villain Twist is What Jon Snow Spinoff Needs to Succeed
Image credit: Legion-Media

Ever since Game of Thrones creator George R. R. Martin confirmed via his blog that there was a Jon Snow sequel series in the works, fans have been buzzing with what possibilities this held.

The working title for the new series is SNOW, and Kit Harington has been confirmed to return to play the title character. In fact, Martin has credited Harington with coming up with the idea for a Jon Snow focused story. But what will that story involve?

We know that at the end of Game of Thrones, Jon Snow (whose real name is Aegon Targaryen), has been exiled back to The Wall for killing Daenerys Targaryen, his paternal aunt, lover, and Queen. But in the eyes of everyone who remains alive except for his siblings and close friend Sam Tarly, he is Jon Snow, the bastard son of Ned Stark. His true heritage remains secret, at least for now.

We also know that the Night King and his army of the undead have been defeated by the end of GoT. Arya Stark's assassination of the big baddie became one of the most rewatched scenes in television history.

Further, the Lannisters have all been killed, except Tyrion who was the only decent one among the bunch by the end. Bran the Broken was chosen to rule the six kingdoms, with Sansa Stark presiding as Queen over the now-independent north.

It feels like peace and harmony have finally been achieved. So, the question is thus raised, what villains could possibly emerge for the John Snow series?

Some fans have stated that the show may focus on Jon trying to establish a kingdom north of the wall and dealing mainly with the struggles of leadership in general, without there being any actual villains to speak of. But every show needs its villains. Without antagonists, the heroes can seem to have no purpose, and the story can get very tedious very quickly. But in the now peaceful Westeros, who is left to interfere with Jon Snow?

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Some fans have speculated that the new series may introduce a new villain that was previously unknown; perhaps someone or something even worse than the Night King.

Possibly one that is unleashed because of Night King's defeat, either escaping some kind of prison that his army had been guarding or seeking revenge for the deaths of its allies.

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Either possibility is thrilling, especially if they can find a way to convincingly create a threat that is even more terrifying than the Night King and his legion of undead.

But this notion pales in comparison to another suggestion from fans; that the villain could be John's very own brother/cousin, Bran "the Broken" Stark.

The theory revolves around the notion that Bran technically died north of the wall and is not himself anymore. That he is now the Three-Eyed Raven and has been ever since he made that journey. And that the Three-Eyed Raven was evil in its intentions and planned to seize power all along, being responsible for all of the events in GoT. If this were the case, and Jon discovered it, we could potentially be looking at Bran being the big baddie of the new series.

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All is speculation of course, at this point, and we will need to wait for more official information to be revealed. But one thing is for sure, fans will continue to wonder and speculate until the truth is known. And there are very exciting times ahead for all GoT fans.