Grey’s Anatomy Shortened Its Season 1 For a Very Specific Reason

Sometimes "the more the merrier" just doesn't apply.
Grey's Anatomy is one of the longest running medical dramas on television today. Despite its intriguing storyline and amazing characters, it's also famous for the long seasons that the show has.
Almost every season of the show contains more than 20 episodes. But that wasn't always the case.
The first season of the show, which premiered in 2005, is only 9 episodes long. Although that's not the way the writers originally wanted it. Initially, the season was supposed to be 4 episodes longer.
And while it's hard to imagine the first season of Grey's Anatomy any other way, the revelation of the first season's original schedule gives an idea of what the first installment of the show might have looked like.
The thing is, episodes 1, 3, 4, and 5 of season 2 were supposed to be included in season 1. This decision actually resulted in the first season finale ending on one of Grey's Anatomy's most impressive cliffhangers.
Although it was not meant to end this way, it is fair to say that the first season of Grey's Anatomy offers its audience a finale that not only works well, but also arguably beats the one that was meant to take its place.
At the end of the season 1 episode 9, an unidentified woman arrives at Seattle Grace and introduces herself as Derek's wife, leaving Meredith (and viewers) stunned.
Initially, the first season finale was going to be episode 5 of season 2. It's the iconic episode with Meredith's infamous "pick me, choose me, love me" line.
For a show that would go on to make emotional involvement and well-placed twists its trademark, ending the season with Addison's entrance into the picture is the best way to both elicit a strong reaction from the audience and set the stage for what is to come.