Gruesome Reason Why Gilead Handmaids’ Harmless Hobbies Were Prohibited

These poor women had just enough time on their hands to start a rebellion.
The world setting of The Handmaid’s Tale is perhaps even more disturbing than the actual actions of the people, including the ritual rapes and religious murders. Gilead itself, though violent and cruel, proves to be ineffective, which makes it even more heartbreaking a concept.
All the suffering that women go through in this society is for naught.
They are deprived not only of all their physical rights, but also of the right to think. Since reading is forbidden, no one can really get any food for thought, and even the most harmless hobbies you can imagine, like knitting or embroidery, which involve only monotonous work and can actually be used for the needs of the army, are not allowed either.
Part of this goes back to the theory that a bored, stagnant mind is much easier to manipulate. By living a life deprived of all pleasures, emotions, and events, a person may begin to struggle with various mental problems. People with unstable minds are more vulnerable and have less power to protest anything that happens to them.
Also, after living a life where you can do practically nothing if that doesn't involve housework and childbearing, the idea of getting pregnant may start to excite you just because you can fill your days with something other than the usual day-to-day business. It's not that this will make the ceremonial processes any more enjoyable, but it may feel like it's worth it.
However, there are also some physical, arguably much darker reasons why Gilead denies its Handmaids any hobbies.
In the case of knitting, for example, the sharp-edged knitting needle can be used as a weapon. Not only that but knitting needles have historically been used to perform unsafe abortions, which would be the most disastrous turn of events from Gilead's point of view.
Luckily, even these inhumane methods have failed to give Gilead complete control over the Handmaids' minds. To see how the story will end in season 6, be sure to keep an eye out for more news and behind-the-scenes updates, so you don't miss the release date announcement.