TV Halo

Halo Fans Need These 3 Things to Happen Before Season 2 Finale

Halo Fans Need These 3 Things to Happen Before Season 2 Finale
Image credit: Paramount+

While season 2 definitely improved on many of the flaws of its predecessor, there are still things that would make the show much better.


  • The second season of the Halo TV series fixed many of the problems with its disappointing predecessor
  • Still, the show has a long way to go to become a truly great adaptation of the video game series
  • There are at least 3 things that fans would like to see happen before the end of season 2, as it would make the show much better

The Halo TV series got off to an extremely rough start in 2022, disappointing many fans of the iconic video game franchise the show is based on, but miraculously was renewed for a second season, which debuted on February 8, 2024.

While the show still leaves much to be desired and can't be called a great adaptation, the second season definitely improved on many of the lacking aspects of its predecessor.

Did you enjoy Halo season 2 more than season 1?

With that in mind, the second season of Halo has every chance of turning the show from an embarrassing mess into at least a decent loose adaptation of the video game franchise.

There Are 3 Things Fans Want to Happen

Halo Fans Need These 3 Things to Happen Before Season 2 Finale - image 1

However, with only three episodes left before the season finale, fans want at least three things to happen before this chapter of the story ends, as it would instantly make the series much better.

First, they hope to see the return of Admiral Jacob Keyes, played by Danny Sapani, even though we supposedly saw him die in episode 4.

The character played a significant role in the events of the original Halo: Combat Evolved video game, so he should be alive by the time the story moves to Installation 04 (aka the titular Halo).

If Jacob is out of the picture, it means that his daughter Miranda would have to take his place and meet her end on the Halo, which in turn would start a cascade of deviations from the source material, as she also played a major role in the story.

John Must Become the Last Spartan

Some fans also believe that it is time for Kai-125, portrayed by Kate Kennedy, to be written out of the series, similar to Riz-028 and Vannak-134, to make the story more like the games.

While she doesn't necessarily have to die, fans would have preferred her to meet a heroic end, mirroring the deaths of the Noble Six team from 2010's Halo: Reach, who gave their lives defending the planet Reach.

This would make Master Chief the last (or at least the last active) Spartan commando, just as he was when the events of Halo: Combat Evolved took place.

Before that happens, however, they would like to see Kai and Miranda's storyline developed further, as so far the chemistry between the characters has gone nowhere.

Halo season 2 episode 6 will premiere on March 7, 2024.

Source: Reddit