Here's How Upcoming Jon Snow Series Might Fix 'GoT' Finale, According To Reddit

Here's How Upcoming Jon Snow Series Might Fix 'GoT' Finale, According To Reddit
Image credit: Legion-Media

Fans were stunned to learn that HBO had ordered a series centered around Kit Harington's character, hoping that it would undo all the damage done by the original series' disappointing finale.

It's no secret that most 'Game of Thrones ' fans hate the series finale and the entire season 8 in general. Now that HBO has announced that it is developing a solo series about Jon Snow, fans are desperately hoping that it will correct all of the mistakes made in the last season. According to some reports, the action of the upcoming series will begin right after the events of Season 8, with Jon returning to serve on The Wall. Even though HBO has previously decided to expand its fantasy franchise with prequels, the idea of a series continuing the story of a well-known character is surprisingly well received by fans.

In a thread on Reddit, fans speculated about how the poorly written original finale could be fixed in an upcoming series, with some very curious theories emerging. According to one such theory, the Jon Snow series will be a full-fledged continuation of the fantasy saga, where all the beloved characters will return thanks to one clever narrative trick.

"Seriously. Everything starting with Season 8 Episode 3 should just be Brans's vision. He still comes to the iron throne but Jon figured out he's been the evil three eyed raven and is now out to destroy the humans for the benefit of the children of the forest." – /Jarkside.

Although many fans approved of such an idea, some argued that the events shown in season 8 would not be changed at all, and the show would feature an entirely new cast of supporting characters, with some familiar faces appearing from time to time.

"The original ending came from Georges. They won't change it. Maybe they could expand the story at the Land of Always Winter to go deeper in the WW backstory, but they'll never touch the 8 seasons of GoT. That's the original story that launched the franchise. And no matter what you think about the ending, that's how the story was meant to end." – /poub06.

And some viewers aren't interested in seeing Jon Snow again at all, rooting for other, much more interesting characters to get those well-deserved HBO spinoffs.

"Not really sure what scope there is for Jon Snow. He didnt want anything, he didnt have any real ambition and the white walkers are dead so there is nothing but polar bears. Of all characters Arya would be the most interesting with a range to explore." – /Vegan_Puffin.

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