Hermione's Terrible Trauma Was Completely Ignored by Both Harry Potter and You (And It's Not About Her Parents)

Hermione's pain being overlooked by her friends is almost a secondary leitmotiv of Harry Potter. But how could you all so easily gloss over her biggest trauma?..
Look, Hermione Granger is the world. Even if we ignore how witty, smart, loyal, caring, and responsible she is (which we really shouldn't), she's basically the one sole reason Harry and Ron were even alive by the end of the story.
We bet you anything that the boys wouldn't have survived for longer than a week without her.
Hermione's always been a great friend, too. She's been helping the boys with their homework for years, helped Harry and Ginny get together — and helped Harry avoid the Love Potion a year before that, basically sacrificed her family to join the hunt for the Horcruxes, and many more things…
And apparently, this still wasn't enough for Harry — and the readers! — to care about her when she went through awful trauma.
We're not even talking about how everyone seemingly just ignored the fact that Hermione made her parents forget about her very existence and effectively lost her family to help Harry hunt down the Horcruxes.
You bet we want to talk about that, too, but today's a different issue is on the table, arguably a worse one.
In The Deathly Hallows, when the trio is captured and held in the Malfoy Manor, Hermione is literally tortured for the longest time by the sadistic psycho Bellatrix Lestrange.
Bellatrix repeatedly casts the Cruciatus spell on her which inflicts the worst pain upon its victim, and curves a humiliating curse into her skin with a knife.
This torture has been going on for a very long time. Of course, Harry and Ron had no way of helping their friend from the basement — and the moment they had the chance, they saved Hermione.
However, as they escaped the Malfoy Manor with Dobby's help, the torture was forgotten.
At first, Harry's reaction was totally appropriate: his other friend, Dobby, was dying at his hands. While Ron rushed to his brother's cottage to get help for Hermione, Harry stayed on the shore to share Dobby's last moments with him.
Later, the boy took the time and effort to properly bury his friend despite being overwhelmed with grief.
But after that, the trio — together with the rest of the Malfoys' prisoners — spends quite some time at Bill and Fleur's. Still, the terrible torture Hermione's gone through is never brought up again.
Harry doesn't really check on her well-being, and no one wonders how she is holding up.
Stuff like that tends to give people PTSD, and Hermione, despite being a tough cookie, is still a young girl who was never supposed to go through such torment.
The one thing that really shows the lack of consideration is the bright idea to have Hermione turn into her torturer a mere couple of weeks later. How does it even come to one's mind?
It's just awful how little Hermione's friends cared about her mental state after the torment in the Malfoy Manor, and we're not sure how she even managed to put up with that.