
Hogwarts Raises Perfect Death Eaters & Hopes They Won’t Turn Evil

Hogwarts Raises Perfect Death Eaters & Hopes They Won’t Turn Evil
Image credit: Warner Bros.

The educational system in Harry Potter feels like it was created for raising new generations of Dark wizards from scratch.


  • Hogwarts gives its students access to a wide array of battle spells, deadly potions, and books about Dark magic.
  • At the same time, Hogwarts lacks basic disciplines that give an understanding of the world like Physics or Biology.
  • Languages and customs are also not taught at Hogwarts, leaving its alums unable to communicate with wizarding species or foreign wizards.

In the Wizarding World, folks are pretty sensitive whenever it comes to Dark magic and Dark wizards. Most families have been affected by Grindelwald and Voldemort’s reigns of terror, and the wizarding wars took too many lives to count… But despite all that, young students are still being raised as if their finals will be judged by Death Eaters and are taught appropriate skills.

Hogwarts Education Is… Questionable

Don’t get us wrong, there are many great things students learn at Hogwarts: how to get along with animals, how to fly on a broom, or how to care for plants. Unfortunately, many much Darker subjects are also being taught there.

Why do sixth-year students need to brew the Draught of Living Death? There are barely any positive use cases for such a potion — and countless evil ones.

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Why do first-year students get to learn dueling spells like the Full Body-Bind Curse? This stuff can only be used in battles… Or for even more terrifying purposes.

Why does the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts library contain countless books on advanced Dark magic? Teacher’s permission or not, a school is not a university and doesn’t warrant in-depth research of such sensitive and forbidden topics.

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Hogwarts pays too much attention to whether its students are asleep by midnight but doesn’t care to not include the wizarding versions of The Anarchist Cookbook in its curriculum or giving kids access to the most insidious and evil spells and potions. That’s a tragedy waiting to happen, like we saw in Tom Riddle’s case.

Hogwarts Education Lacks Crucial Things

At the same time, while handing its students dangerous books, beasts, spells, and potions, Hogwarts doesn’t fare well when it comes to really important things. Young wizards don’t ever get to understand how the world works because they don’t have Chemistry, Physics, or Biology; they don’t study Literature, Arts, or even languages.

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The History of Magic still approaches past events from the wrong “wizards vs the world” point of view, and no students are aware how politics and economy work — even in their own world, let alone the Muggle world. Speaking of which, the only subject that could teach young wizards to get along with the Muggles is voluntary, and there is no subject about getting along with other sentient beings at all.

As a result, Hogwarts alums know nothing about their or the Muggle worlds and can’t interact with other wizarding species — or even their foreign colleagues. However, they can brew deadly potions and cast battle spells, and if they were lucky, they could ever have an idea on how to use Dark magic to live forever.

Way to go, Hogwarts, way to go.