Hot Take: Twilight's Carlisle Was a Worse Dad Than Charlie

Hot Take: Twilight's Carlisle Was a Worse Dad Than Charlie
Image credit: globallookpress

15 years later, "Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?" is an immensely outdated question (we all know that neither is good for Bella anyway).

Now, it is high time to decide who is the better daddy (and we mean that in the most non-gross way possible) – Charlie Swan or Carlisle Cullen.

We think that it is Charlie, and we come bearing proof!

There is really one simple reason why Charlie is the Dad of the Year: he is actually selfless (as any father should be), and it shows.

While Carlisle may be a brilliant doctor who supposedly saves lives, he is still the reason Rosalie, Edward, and Emmett (and Esme, by the way) became vampires.

Sure, he wanted companionship, but having lived for a few centuries, Carlisle knew for a fact how dangerous vampires can be and how many innocent people suffer because of them.

That didn't really stop him from selfishly hoping for the best and turning four dying people, condemning them to a life full of bloodlust.

Charlie, on the other hand, is a Chief of Police who helped people.

He was there for his parents until the day they died (he even let his marriage fall apart), and all he ever wanted was to spend more time with his daughter Bella, who was taken away from him by his ex-wife Renee.

Charlie knew that Edward was bad news and did everything in his power to prevent their relationship. Later, he realized that he needed to be supportive of Bella, even if he didn't agree with her life choices.

Charlie let his little girl go into adulthood, despite the fact that he had only just gotten the chance to be around her.

Sure, Carlisle has many great qualities. He cares about his adopted children and wants them to find love (which they all do in the end), but again, at what cost? Bringing more dangerous creatures into the world.

At the end of the day, Carlisle is trying to redeem himself and his kind by seemingly treating people as a doctor, but is that really enough? Hard to say.

However, Charlie Swan is the father anyone could ever want, and he must be protected at all costs. Honestly, even Bella doesn't deserve such a great dad (the way she behaves), but that is beside the point. Charlie clearly wins!

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