How Burger King Used SpongeBob SquarePants in the Very Wrong Way

Sexualizing SpongeBob for an ad. What can possibly go wrong?
SpongeBob SquarePants is one of the most recognizable animated characters. Imagine having SpongeBob to promote your product. That’s exactly what Burger King tried to do. Let’s just say it wasn’t the brightest idea.
The fast-food giant Burger King is no stranger to creating buzzworthy advertisements. Back in 2009, they stirred up quite a controversy with a SpongeBob SquarePants-themed commercial.
Back in 2009, Burger King came out with a commercial starring SpongeBob SquarePants, thу popular cartoon character from Nickelodeon.
The ad featured dancers alongside the Burger King mascot, gyrating to a parody of Sir-Mix-A-Lot's iconic song Baby Got Back. All the dancers had square-shaped rear ends, a nod to SpongeBob's square physique, while the mascot was saying “I like square butts and I cannot lie.”
The commercial immediately faced backlash. Critics argued that it was overtly sexual, especially given SpongeBob's primary audience: children. The use of a character predominantly marketed to children in such a context sparked a heated debate.
The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood was one of the most vocal critics. They labeled the ad as sexist and inappropriately sexual.
The head of the organization, Dr. Susan Linn, raised a worry (as reported by The New York Times) about using a beloved character like SpongeBob to promote not only unhealthy food but also images of women being turned into objects and overly sexualized.
Burger King fired back by saying that the ad was actually meant for grown-ups. They said the point was to prove that adults can also enjoy and goof around with things like rap music and famous pop culture figures.
Despite their defense, the commercial had a short lifespan on TV. However, it continued to circulate on social media platforms, often reigniting the controversy.
Interestingly, this wasn't SpongeBob's first brush with controversy. Over the years, the show faced various criticisms, from accusations of promoting homosexuality to claims that it messed with the minds of young viewers.
Burger King's SpongeBob ad wasn't an isolated incident either. The brand has a history of edgy commercials. For instance, one ad involved a Facebook campaign offering free Whoppers to those who deleted ten of their Facebook friends.
Source: The New York Times