How The Office Saved John Krasinski From Giving Up On Acting

This is your sign to not lose hope too soon.
The acting career is tough. Not only is it often mentally and physically demanding, but it is also extremely difficult to make it in the industry, leaving many beginning professional actors with no way to survive. If you are willing to be an actor, you have to be prepared for rejection.
But there's only so much a person can take without losing faith in what they're doing. Hollywood history is full of cases where the most talented actors almost gave up on their dreams, and the story of The Office 's John Krasinski is one of them.
Born into a family of two medical professionals, the actor didn't initially choose acting as a career. He graduated from college with plans to become a teacher. However, the entertainment industry turned out to be both more exciting and brutal than he had imagined.
The actor shared his experience on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. He explained that he made a pact with his mother that after 2 or 3 years of trying to make it as an actor without success, he would pull himself out of it so he wouldn't get stuck in the same positions. After 2.5 years had passed, Krasinski was sure it was time to leave.
“I was like “So, I’m out. This is terrible, so scary, and waiting tables is not as fun as they say,” and she said “You know, it’s September, just wait it out, just wait until the end of the year, don’t give up just yet”. I was ready to, I was telling her to come get me. And three weeks later I got The Office,” he said.
Fortunately, things worked out for the best for John Krasinski, as he is now known not only for his acting, but also for his directing skills, and has many opportunities to move forward in the industry.
The support of one of the closest people to the young actor was more than enough to keep him afloat until the breakthrough came.