If Marvel Brings Stewart's Professor X Back Just to Kill Him Again, It's a Hard Pass

Fans of the X-Men franchise have recently received some exciting that Patrick Stewart might be returning to the role of Charles Xavier, also known as Professor X.
Namely, this could happen as soon as in Deadpool 3, which is slated to premiere on November 8, 2024.
Patrick Stewart has reportedly confirmed that he has been approached to reprise his role as Professor X in future films.
This comes as a surprise to fans who had assumed that Stewart had retired his role as Charles Xavier after dying at least twice on screen (in Logan and in Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness, and perhaps even once back in The Last Stand).
Although, the overwhelming fan reaction is probably not of the kind one might expect having received such news.
"Yet another professor x cameo where he meets a grisly fate? They are going to run out of ways to kill this character," Redditor cap4life52 says.
Many fans are speculating about Stewart's return and how it might affect the whole MCU in the process.
Many believe that if Professor X does return in Deadpool 3 it might mean the third movie about a Merc with a mouth might actually be a Fox-universe send-off.
"Everyone keep saying DP3 is going to be "the first Deadpool movie in the MCU", and ignoring the bigger fact that it's "the last Fox universe movie" and the kind of absolute creative freedom that comes with it," says Redditor TheSweetestKill.
As the whole of MCU is in full throttle towards the Secret Wars, a.k.a. where the multiverses come to die, it doesn't really come as a surprise that a beloved character of good old days might return only to be killed off once more.
The same goes for any other character from the previous installments of Marvel adaptations (yes, Wesley Snipes' Blade, we're looking at you).
In any case, it is clear that the stakes have never been higher, and fans are eagerly awaiting the next chapter of the X-Men saga, whichever form it might take.