If You Watched These 10 Iconic Westerns, You've Basically Seen 'Em All

The Western is the only truly American film genre with over a hundred years of history behind it. Hundreds of great Western movies have been released in Hollywood alone, but for some inexplicable reason, the genre fails to attract the same attention as it did in the last century.
Maybe people are just tired of watching handsome men in cowboy hats shoot each other, but that doesn't mean this important genre should be ignored!
Here are 10 Westerns you must see to call yourself a movie buff:
Of course, it was incredibly hard to narrow down thousands of western movies to just 10 of the best, but by agreeing to pick only those that would still be relevant in 2024, we managed to come up with a reasonably solid list of movies.
As you've probably noticed, most of the movies mentioned above can't be described as just Westerns, as some of them use elements of action movies, Eurocrime, and thrillers.
And that's why the Western genre is so timeless! While the character archetypes and locations remain largely the same in all western movies, the main themes, sub-genres of the films, and director's approaches vary widely, providing a fan of American history with an endless source of stories.
We are sure that every film on this list will change your mind about the Western being a dead genre!