Jennifer Aniston Revealed How She Really Felt About Brad Pitt’s Cameo In Friends

Jennifer Aniston Revealed How She Really Felt About Brad Pitt’s Cameo In Friends
Image credit: Legion-Media

Sometimes personal relationships get in the way of actors on set, but was that the case for Aniston?

When Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were married, they were one of the fans' favorite couples: young, beautiful and fun. When they also starred together in the mega-popular sitcom Friends, the fans were among excited.

The Fight Club star's appearance on the show remains one of the most memorable episodes.

Brad guest-starred in the eighth season of the sitcom, where he appeared in the ninth episode called The One with the Rumor. There he got the role of Rachel Green’s enemy.

In an interview, the actress revealed what she thought of Brad's cameo appearance on Friends:

“Mr. Pitt was wonderful.”

Pitt also shared a few memories of his role on the sitcom:

“I remember it. It was a great cast, man. But I flubbed my first line. We had to stop and start again.”

During the filming of the TV show, Pitt and Aniston were happy together, and the actor often came to the set to support his wife, but sat far away so as not to attract the attention of the audience.

Once the creators of the series decided to shoot a special episode with him, and Brad happily agreed, because not only was he a fan of the show, but the cameo role gave him a chance to promote the Spy Game thriller.

For his performance on Friends, the actor received an Emmy nomination.

The plot of this episode was very similar to the relationship between Aniston and Pitt in real life. According to the plot of The One with the Rumor, Rachel broke up with the man she loved because of infidelity.

Years later, the former lovers were able to become friends and then gave the relationship a second chance.

In real life, the couple broke up because of Brad's passion for Angelina Jolie. It was not easy to forgive the betrayal, and yet, over the years, the ex-husband and wife were able to improve their relationship.

Source: US Magazine, The Indian Express