JK Rowling Has Some Harsh Truth for Haters: 'Royalty Checks' Help Her Sleep

The past couple of years were quite difficult for Harry Potter fans.
J.K. Rowling's tweets regarding the LGBTQ+ community are a touchy subject for many people, and the author experienced cancel culture for it firsthand. Recently that fire was fueled once again when Rowling replied to a frustrated tweeter user, which opened a gate for more than 16000 tweet replies.
The initial Rowling's message, "I read my most recent royalty cheques and find the pain goes away pretty quickly," was a reply to the tweet saying, "How do you sleep at night knowing you've lost a whole audience from buying your books?"
A lot of people were not happy about the money card played by the Harry Potter author. "The main character in your opus is wealthy with a poverty stricken best friend he chooses to not help. Which makes a lot of sense in retrospect," was one of the shot backs at the author.
Journalist Walker Bragman tweeted, "You singled out and vilified an extremely vulnerable minority group. I can't help but think about kids who are struggling with their identity and just want acceptance. You, with your massive platform, have made it harder for them. And that sucks," which was a reference to the original scandal that started back in 2020. This ongoing feud not only cost J.K. Rowling many of her fans but also some of the Harry Potter film stars, who are now distancing themselves from the author.
Nonetheless, there were others who supported Rowling or showed their gratitude to the writer. "I was a school governor in the mid 2000's getting boys to read was a MASSIVE pedagogical issue to which there was no solution and then along came the wonderful @jk_rowling," says one of the tweets.
"My daughter, Chloe, who has down syndrome, has always struggled with comprehension while reading... until I introduced her to Harry Potter! She's just COMPLETED The philosopher's stone and was able to tell me something from each chapter! For this I will be forever grateful to you," is another example.
J.K. Rowling's name is now a controversial one to mention. Many of those who disagree with her vision on some of the world's matters are now trying to separate the books (and films) from the author, some go as far as boycotting once their favorite piece of writing. No matter how different people's opinions are, they have a right to have one, and J.K. Rowling seems to be standing her ground.