John Wick 5 Back on the Table as Franchise Reaches $1B in Box Office

Have you already shed your tears over John Wick's death in the fourth movie? Well, get ready to cry all over again as John Wick 5 might be actually happening now.
The John Wick franchise is the pinnacle of the action genre. Its movies are largely named the best action movies of all time, and its huge box office success couldn't help but support those claims.
It's no secret that all John Wick movies have collected enormous revenues but now, the situation's changed as the franchise just hit $1B.
This is more than just a proud and totally deserved achievement for the team and the director, Chad Stahelski.
This is also almost a pinky promise that the John Wick franchise will keep going: after all, no studio executive in their right mind will simply let a billion-dollar franchise rest easy — and John Wick is no different in this regard.
The franchise was initially supposed to have five entries, but then it was rewired on the go to have John Wick die in the fourth installment.
The fans were sad, sure, but it was not looking too hopeful on the continuation front — Chad Stahelski purposely left pretty much no backdoor for John Wick's new appearance.
Not that it matters now.
We're not merely guided by cynicism, too. Despite the last movie's ending and the claims that there will be no next chapter, just a few days after John Wick 4's release Chad Stahelski admitted that the fifth entry was not off the table completely. It seems that he was experiencing some pressure from the studio even back then…
But with the franchise reaching $1B in revenue, there's just no way Lionsgate lets go of John Wick. The fifth installment was never dead in the fans' eyes, and now they have the best reason ever to start stocking up on popcorn.
We'll be very, very surprised if there's no news about John Wick 5 in the nearest future.
The only way we can see it not happening is if Keanu Reeves doesn't want to reprise his iconic role… But let's stay optimistic, shall we? Hopefully, he's down for it just like we are.