Kirsten Dunst's Сult Movie Was Booed, Almost Made Her Quit Spider-Man 3

Criticism sometimes affects actors more than the viewers realize.
Kirsten Dunst, an established actress with many significant roles, has had her ups and downs.
While some actors are only slightly affected by the failures of the movies they star in, Kirsten admitted that the way Marie Antoinette was received by critics almost caused her to give up her acting career.
Marie Antoinette was screened at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival.
At the press screening, the viewers booed Sofia Coppola's historical movie, even though it was considered one of the favorites of the competition at the beginning of the festival.
The script of the movie was written by the director herself, based on the book by British author Antonia Fraser.
The director claimed that she did not put any political component into the movie, instead, she focused on the portrait of Marie Antoinette and expressed her own vision.
The movie tells the life of the executed French queen Marie Antoinette and covers about 15 years that the queen spent in the Palace of Versailles.
The Austrian-born Marie Antoinette was played by Kirsten Dunst, who worked with Sofia Coppola on her debut movie, The Virgin Suicides.
The actress was extremely upset by the criticism of the movie:
"I was so angry about the way people were talking about it and fed up with this business. The movie was personal to me. It felt like everyone was stamping on me."
The experience influenced Dunst's subsequent projects. The actress was so overwhelmed that she considered ending her acting career on the set of Spider-Man 3:
"I was in a lot of pain while I was making Spider-Man 3. Afterwards, I was done with acting. I was so sick of giving myself to other people because I had nothing in my life that was all mine."
Only later did Marie Antoinette become a true cult movie, especially among fashion lovers. In puffy dresses, sparkling jewelry and breathtaking hairstyles, Marie Antoinette reinvented European fashion – this is what the director focused on.
The work of the costume designers was not in vain – the movie won an Oscar for Best Costumes.
Source: Daily Mail