Liam Hemsworth as Geralt Looks Surprisingly Good

Would you like to have a sneak peek at how Liam Hemsworth could look as Geralt of Rivia now that Henry Cavill is officially out?
We may not have access to his old casting tapes – and some reports claim that the actor has long been auditioned and was among the best – but thank god we have deepfake videos. So, get a taste of Hemsworth as Geralt.
A youtuber stryder HD has recently uploaded a couple of videos on his channel with deepfake Hemsworth playing the main character of Netflix 's The Witcher series. One of the videos shows the very first encounter of Geralt with Stregobor, a wizard and a master illusionist, which happened in Season 1 Episode 1. The clip starts with a shot of Cavill, who is later changed to Hemsworth.
Another deepfake clip shows a famous scene in a tavern where Geralt has a long conversation with Borch who wants the witcher to join his team on their mission to hunt a dragon. As we know, Borch will later turn into Villentrettenmerth, one of the two Golden dragons to have ever lived on the Continent.
It is up to you to decide if the scene with a deepfake Hemsworth works but it surely looks impressive. And it does not end there. Stryder HD has also uploaded a deepfake clip with Mads Mikkelsen as Geralt of Rivia as he brought Ciri to Kaer Morhen, the witchers' stronghold. And after watching it one may get a feeling that Mikkelsen could also make a perfect Geralt.
Liam Hemsworth is taking over from Cavill as Geralt of Rivia starting from Season 4. The decision looks absolutely logical as the Australian actor was among top 3 or top 5 when the role was initially being cast in 2018. He did not make it to the show back then though.
The announcement that Henry Cavill will no longer play Geralt came as a shock for The Witcher series' fandom. It prompted a number of speculations and even conspiracy theories as to what could have caused Cavill's departure. The Witcher production team's alleged unwillingness to stick to the source material – something which Henry Cavill held very dear – could be one of the key reasons for the actor's exit.
Season 3 of The Witcher is expected to be released in summer 2023 with no official date announced yet. The live-action prequel The Witcher: Blood Origin is set for a Christmas 2022 release.