Mike Tyson Forgot His Cameo in The Hangover Due to Being Wasted 24/7: 'I Was a Pig'

Mike Tyson Forgot His Cameo in The Hangover Due to Being Wasted 24/7: 'I Was a Pig'
Image credit: Legion-Media

Forgetting about your role in a movie about the guys who forgot everything because of being hungover and high because you were hungover and high is some next-level irony...

And this is exactly what Mike Tyson did.

2009's The Hangover was a rather unique movie at the time, and its popularity was borderline inevitable.

The hilarious and bold script of the film was not only complimented by a whole bunch of dumb jokes and insane scenarios but also by big-name guest stars. Mike Tyson was one of them, and probably the biggest one.

In The Hangover, Tyson played himself: a scary and rich ex-boxer guy with pet tigers and no-BS policy.

The three main characters found one of Mike's tigers in their hotel apartment as they woke up, and eventually realized that they stole the wild animal from Tyson while they were on their drunk-and-high rampage the previous night.

While Mike's cameo was a great addition to the movie, the former boxer had no clue that he was about to star in The Hangover.

Tyson found out about it just one day before the cameras started rolling, and he was shocked. Apparently, he was too wasted when accepting the offer.

"They were in the VIP section and <...> I went in there, I'm checking these guys to see what they're doing in my section. It was Zach, the other guy, and he said, 'We're going to be in a movie with you' and I said, 'Yeah? When?' And he said, 'Tomorrow,'" shared the ex-boxer.

Mike Tyson really was something else back then, always under the influence of some nasty stuff in some fance club.

Realizing that he'd almost missed an entire movie where he was supposed to be starring just because he was so wasted added to the fighter's eventual decision to make a U-turn in his lifestyle, that's for sure.

When he finally sobered up, Mike didn't go easy on himself: he publicly stated just how much he hated that terrible period of his life — and himself for falling that low.

"I was drinking and smoking back then, doing drugs so I didn't know I was involved in the movie. So eventually I had to go and do the movie and it was a success. <...> [But] I was a mess. I was overweight. I was a pig, high on cocaine," Tyson claims.

But all's well that ends well. Eventually, Mike Tyson made the final decision to change for good... And his cameo in The Hangover added to his fame.

These days, young people recognize him as "the mafia guy from The Hangover" and not as the legendary boxer.

"It's been different, it's changed ever since. When I go out and I meet younger kids that are 20 or 15, it's because they watched The Hangover — they have no idea that I used to be a boxer," laughs Tyson.

Source: NY Post

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