Modern Anime Classic with 85% Rotten Tomatoes Finally Lands on Netflix in April

Modern Anime Classic with 85% Rotten Tomatoes Finally Lands on Netflix in April
Image credit: Crunchyroll

If you've seen such cult anime as Naruto and One Piece, maybe it's time to try something more recent, but no less exciting?

Even those who have never watched anime are familiar with such classics as Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, and One Piece. Many of the anime series that are now considered cult were already popular when they were released ten or even twenty years ago.

But in this list of titles that every Japanese animation fan should see, there is a relative newcomer – its first season was released in 2016.

Who Are Mob Psycho 100 Creators?

Mangaka ONE is best known for his work on the webcomic One Punch Man. It was a significant debut for the animator, but not everyone knows that with his second work, ONE managed to surpass himself in everything.

We're talking about Mob Psycho 100, and it's time to tell you why you need to watch the best experimental show of recent years as soon as possible, especially since the first two seasons of the anime hit Netflix on April 15th.

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The anime was created by Bones Studio, which is now known for the highest quality in the oriental animation industry. The director was Yuzuru Tachikawa, who brought us Death Parade and also had a hand in such an outstanding series as Kill la Kill.

What Is Mob Psycho 100 About?

At the center of the story is Shigeo Kageyama, nicknamed Mob, who at first glance seems to be an unremarkable high school student. He is bad at studying, sports and communicating with people, but in reality Mob is the most powerful psychic in the world, capable of destroying the universe.

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Of course, he doesn't want to do that, and in general tries not to use his abilities and to live an ordinary life. He has even developed a complex where he cannot control his emotions because they lead to the release of his enormous powers.

The student is taught to control himself by the psychic Arataka Reigen. But in reality, Reigen is a common deceiver. His "exorcism" methods usually involve simple techniques such as using Photoshop to remove an evil spirit from photographs, massage, or, most often, acting. Still, Reigen worries about his student's state of mind and regularly gives him a little advice on how to find himself in this world.

Mob Psycho 100 is the Most Impressive Anime Titles in Recent Years

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The main message of the story lies in the search for oneself in a crazy world full of evil spirits and even more evil people, and the intention to remain oneself even under external pressures that would break anyone.

Despite his outward indifference, Mob cares deeply about all of his loved ones and is often caught in doubt about his path in life. Because of his psychic power, a fairly standard mental toss becomes even much more complicated.

After Mob Psycho 100, even One-Punch Man from the same ONE seems too boring. In the second work, mangaka jumped above his head, and the adaptation from the studio Bones surpassed, it seems, almost all modern anime series. So mark your calendars, as one of the best modern anime is coming to Netflix.