Modern Family's Most Likable Character Is Not As Sweet As You Think

These drama queens...
Every Modern Family character is a gem, but few can resist the charm of Cameron, Mitchell's husband and Lily's loving father. Fans love Cam for his kindness, his sense of humor, and his ability to have fun and be dramatic.
However, even if you believe that Cameron is the most innocent plushie in the entire series, there are certain negative aspects of his character that people may choose to ignore just to keep him good in their eyes.
It turns out that many things about Cameron are, at best, eyebrow-raising. But one of the things that most irritates Modern Family fans about him is how often he tries to make Mitchell look bad, even though he is his husband.
"Don't forget the episode where Mitch is trying to pitch his case of homeless people working for slave wages to the reporter and Cam manages to steal the limelight, get Mitch to make pancakes for the football team and pretend it was something they would do together when actually Cam was just doing what looked good for him," Redditor august_ophelia recalled.
Others remembered something even worse: when Cameron told Mitch that he could snap him like a twig, and when Mitch called him out on it, it turned out that this was not the first time Cam had basically threatened him.
For some fans, Cameron's occasional egotism and selfishness is just another perk of him being "a diva," but others think that "realistically, Mitch would have never fallen in love with him."
"He's just this hateful mass of gay stereotypes mixed with a completely unlikable sociopath," Redditor AsherFischell said.
Still, the majority of the fandom believes that Cameron's flaws make him human. If he were a picture-perfect husband all the time, without any "diva" tantrums, would we still love him all these seasons?
Modern Family ended after its eleven-season run in 2020.