Modern Family Throwback Time: 5 Phil Dunphy Quotes to Live By, Ranked

Phil Dunphy is one of the sweetest characters on Modern Family (and hands down the best dad), and his quotes have inspired different generations to do great things.
Let's take a look at the best of Phil Dunphy. Here are five of his quotes that will make you wish you had his wisdom.
5. "Claire's a perfectionist, which sometimes is a good thing, like when it comes to picking a husband."
This genius line comes from the season 1 episode, Family Portrait. Claire wants to take a family picture, but everyone is busy with something else, which drives her perfectionist self nuts.
Phil brilliantly sums up Claire's personality with this quote, which is so true – Phil brings much-needed balance to her life with his goofy approach to things!
4. "Never be afraid to reach for the stars because even if you fall, you'll always be wearing a Parent-chute."
In the season 4 episode, Schooled, Haley is leaving for college, and everyone is emotional. Phil has always been known as the dreamer of the family.
He is continuously ready to encourage his loved ones (especially, the kids) to go after what they want whenever they need a pep talk, and this quote is an excellent example of that.
3. "Do you see me saying 'I'm done'? Never. Because there is no 'done' in Dunphy."
Phil is the human embodiment of never giving up – even when he can't sell the house for the life of him like he couldn't in the season 5 episode, The Big Game.
Phil is an optimist, and he is willing to stay positive under the most difficult circumstances imaginable (even if his knowledge of the English language fails him). This quote showcases that magical ability!
2. "Success is 1% inspiration, 98% perspiration, and 2% attention to detail."
Apparently, another 1% goes to math skills, which Phil lacks. This line may not make mathematical sense, but it is the very essence of what Phil is all about.
His take on how to achieve success is either ridiculously incorrect or amazingly inspirational if he means that you have to give your 101% to get somewhere in life. Let's say it's the second one.
1. "I've always said that if my son thinks of me as one of his idiot friends, I've succeeded as a dad."
Phil says this gem of a quote in the season 3 episode, Door to Door, but honestly, it doesn't need context to be great. Phil is always supportive of his kids and strives to spend quality time with them as one of their peers.
He doesn't always execute this right, but he means well. We all need a dad like Phil sometimes!
Modern Family should have had a spinoff or a web series where it's just Phil and his great one-liners. The creators, it's not too late, that's all we're saying…