Most Gut-Wrenching MCU Moments, Ranked From Just Scary to Nightmare Fuel

Shocking and graphic scenes from the MCU movies we wish we could unsee.
From heroic victories to heartbreaking losses, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has provided some truly heartbreaking moments that have resonated with fans.
But in a world of magic, superpowers, and endless battles between good and evil, there is always a fine line that can easily be crossed.
Here are the top 5 Marvel movie moments that didn't surprise, but scared the hell out of audiences.
5. Zombie Iron Man
Peter Parker confronts his unresolved fears in a dream sequence created by Mysterio. The most heartbreaking moment comes when he sees Tony Stark's decomposing body, symbolizing the finality of Tony's death.
This scene is both frightening and devastating because it provides closure and forces both Peter and the audience to come to terms with Tony's absence.
4. Wanda's Bone-Crushing Scene
After defeating the Kamar-Taj army, Wanda continues to pursue America Chavez in the Multiverse of Madness in Doctor Strange.
Scarlet Witch transforms into a vengeful, god-like monster with terrifying new powers, and in this terrifying scene, we see her break free from the mirror dimension, her bones twisting and deforming, giving her a spider-like appearance and proving her unstoppable and terrifying power.
3. Thanos Kills Loki
The death of Loki is already a heartbreaking thing to watch. In Infinity War, after he saves his people in Thor: Ragnarok, Thor's efforts are abruptly cut short by Thanos. The villain kills Loki in the most brutal and evil way possible, choking him to death in front of his brother and breathing a death sentence upon himself.
2. Doctor Strange's Zombie Resurrection
Sam Raimi 's Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness brings his horror expertise to the MCU.
In this graphic scene, Doctor Strange uses the Darkhold to enter his universe through a ruptured dimension and takes over another version's body, becoming Zombie Strange.
Despite the decay and battle damage to his body, Zombie Strange is a formidable force to be reckoned with and a terrifying sight to behold.
1. The Illuminati Murder
The most disturbing MCU scene we've ever seen is Wanda's attack on the Illuminati in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. After going off the rails, Wanda meets up with the Illuminati and gets them out of her way.
She explodes Black Bolt's head, unravels Mr. Fantastic's body, halves Captain Carter, defeats Captain Marvel, breaks Professor Xavier's neck, and continues her mission unrepentantly.
She was crazy in this one, but we still love her though.