TV Game of Thrones

Move Over Night King: GoT Fans Have Crowned Most Vicious Villain to Rule Them All

Move Over Night King: GoT Fans Have Crowned Most Vicious Villain to Rule Them All
Image credit: HBO

Game of Thrones introduced the world to the dreaded Night King.

Leader of an army of undead ice zombies who turned everyone in their path to grow their numbers, immune to dragonfire, and owner of such a terrifyingly smug smirk, it is hard to imagine a more powerful and dangerous villain.

Brace yourselves, because GoT fans have chosen not one, but four villains who put the Night King to shame. But there can only be one crowned the ultimate baddie, so whom will it be?

The four contenders, according to fans, are Ramsay Bolton, Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish, Tywin Lannister, and his daughter Cersei Lannister.

All are powerful, vicious, and motivated to get what they want with little regard for whom they will harm in the process. Notably, Daenerys Targaryen is absent from the list of potentials, perhaps because she was only considered a villain in her final hours.

Ramsay Bolton was excluded early. He was sadistic, cruel, and such a fan of torture that his enemies were terrified of him. But in terms of power, he was sorely limited.

At the height of his game, he held Winterfell and had a reasonably sized army, however, was ultimately defeated without a large amount of fuss.

Cersei Lannister was very powerful and dangerous at her peak. While fans note she was not as intelligent as others, she was often underestimated (Sept of Baelor, anyone?).

Viewers have noted that her refusal to assist the rest of Westeros against the White Walkers could have literally ended the world as they knew it. But her dangerousness was not always intentional which is why she is not the winner here.

Littlefinger was possibly one of the most intelligent characters in the entire series, as well as being a villain.

He had a real knack for manipulating people to his own ends and had zero care for any misery or pain he caused in his pursuit of power. That made him dangerous to be sure.

But powerful? Fans feel he was lacking in this aspect. Which leaves Tywin Lannister.

Shrewd, resourceful, wealthy, and worst of all, calm, and patient. He had the means to destroy his enemies without a second thought, but it was the very fact that Tywin did take the time for that second thought that made him so formidable.

A skilled leader and a man who had won more battles than any of the others on this list had probably even heard of. Tactical, and smart, Tywin Lannister is by far the most powerful and dangerous villain Westeros has ever seen.