NCIS: Tony & Ziva Actor Teases More Dramatic Plot Twists Caused by New Lead Character

They'd better be good at multitasking.
NCIS ’ beloved characters Tony DiNozzo and Ziva David have been gone for a while, but they’re not anymore. The long-standing CBS franchise is bringing their compelling story back to the screens, catching them somewhere in Europe carrying out new missions after leaving the original show’s team.
Though fans must be pretty excited about the upcoming spinoff titled NCIS: Tony & Ziva that will see the couple working together once again, it surely won’t be the same as it was back in the day in NCIS. As the show’s star has recently teased, all the big changes are due to the appearance of a new character.
NCIS: Tony & Ziva will find its titular characters reuniting in Paris and then traveling across Europe to continue working on new cases after both left NCIS. The show is expected to kick it off on a dramatic note when Ziva, who for years has been believed to be dead, comes back alive and joins Tony who, in his turn, has been taking care of their daughter Tali all those years.
Now that the couple got back together and had their life goals changed, prioritizing their daughter’s upbringing, their work routine is also set to go through some significant transformation.
Ahead of the NCIS: Tony & Ziva release later this year, Tony’s actor Michael Weatherly revealed that the brand new show and its way to follow the lead characters’ career paths would be completely different as Ziva and Tony realize that “their child is first and foremost in the front of their mind.”
Having no children back in NCIS, the characters could get immersed into their job, but “when you have a child, you have to navigate what is best for them. And then maybe you have a co-parent that you have a tumultuous relationship with… and oh, wait, we also have to save the world”. Weatherly also hinted at Tali’s major role in creating big plot twists as he previously called her “a new element of trouble.”
NCIS: Tony & Ziva has no release date yet, but is still set to arrive on CBS this fall.
Source: Deadline