Negan Was Never The Walking Dead’s Best Villain, The Governor Actor Claims

David Morrissey says there's only one true villain in The Walking Dead.
The Walking Dead has given us some of the best villains in TV history, but who's the ultimate baddie? If you ask David Morrissey, the actor who portrayed the Governor, there's no contest.
During The Walking Dead virtual Wizard World panel, Morrissey revealed that he believes that his character was the menace like no other on the show.
David Morrissey's Governor was a standout villain who made his debut in the third season of the series. His reign of terror included some unforgettable moments, like the brutal killings of Hershel and Merle.
Morrissey believes that the Governor's impact on the series is unparalleled, even stating that the Governor would "wipe the floor" with any other villain on the show.
Negan, played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, is undoubtedly a formidable foe. He's got charisma and a barbed-wire baseball bat named Lucille. But according to Morrissey, Negan would lose to the Governor if these two were to face each other. In Morrissey's words (from his interview with CinemaBlend), “I don't think there's any sane person that would argue against that.”
Morrissey isn't just tooting his own horn. He has immense respect for Jeffrey Dean Morgan and even called him a "fantastic man and a great actor." But when it comes to the story, Morrissey firmly believes that "there can only be one badass that can rule The Walking Dead."
It's not just Negan who falls short in Morrissey's eyes. He was also asked about Alpha, another villain from the series. Morrissey stated that the Governor would easily defeat her as well.
Morrissey even touched on Shane Walsh, the series' first major antagonist, saying that while Shane did some terrible things, he doesn't hold a candle to the Governor, even though the actor appreciated Jon Bernthal's portrayal of Shane.
Even though David Morrissey’s opinion carries weight, saying that hardly any sane person would disagree with the Governor being the top villain seems like a debatable statement.
While the Governor indeed was a formidable enemy for a season and a half, Negan and the Whisperers came along and cranked up the danger to a whole new level with much higher stakes.
Sources: Fandom Spotlite on YT, CinemaBlend