Movies Netflix Snowpiercer

Netflix Will Soon Lose Its Best Sci-Fi Flick From Parasite Director With Near-Perfect Critics Score

Netflix Will Soon Lose Its Best Sci-Fi Flick From Parasite Director With Near-Perfect Critics Score
Image credit: TNT, AMC

Thought spectacular action and profound message were incompatible? The director proves that this is not the case.

Bong Joon-ho is the first Korean filmmaker to win an Oscar for both Best Picture and Best Director. Class tension, genre juggling and witty humor are the main weapons of the director who has become the most famous Korean filmmaker of the current decade.

Bong Joon-ho's first experience outside of Korea was Snowpiercer, a dystopian thriller about class warfare set on a train speeding along the highway.

What Is Snowpiercer About?

The story is set in a distant future where the world has fallen into an endless ice age. The surviving people left their homes and boarded a train. There they built a new civilization with its own hierarchy and system of social classes.

A group of people from the so-called lower class is forced to live in hunger in the back of the train, while the upper class continues to enjoy all the benefits of civilization.

Netflix Will Soon Lose Its Best Sci-Fi Flick From Parasite Director With Near-Perfect Critics Score - image 1

Patience runs out when a representative of the upper class, for an unclear purpose, takes several children from the last carriages. Resistance leader Curtis and old man Gilliam, realizing that the guards have long since run out of bullets, start a rebellion.

Snowpiercer Features a Unique Dystopian Concept

The inventive concept of the movie has won it an army of fans: it is a story with a focus on impressive choreography of fights and stabbings, uncompromising horror, and a unique presentation of Marxist philosophy.

Snowpiercer turns out to be a spectacle with deep meaning – the director poses crucial questions not only to the adherents of the old order, but also to the liberators who are led by blind and destructive rage.

The movie leaves the viewer with a feeling of suffocating claustrophobia – the world is like a train, but everyone has different seats on it.

Fight Choreography and Visual Style Are as Compelling as the Story Itself

But Snowpiercer is as much about style and execution as it is about plot – the way the director mixes genres, literally changing them from car to car, the way he handles the fight choreography, offering the viewer ever new twists of cruelty.

And it is the selfless violence on screen that gives this movie such a bitter but unforgettable aftertaste.

Snowpiercer Is Leaving Netflix

Snowpiercer leaves Netflix on February 1st, so be sure to check out this sci-fi masterpiece from the leading Korean director of our time.