New Anime From Attack on Titan & Jujutsu Kaisen Creators Comes to Netflix in January 2024

New Anime From Attack on Titan & Jujutsu Kaisen Creators Comes to Netflix in January 2024
Image credit: Crunchyroll, Netflix, Warner Bros.

Something to begin the new year right.


  • Maboroshi is a new movie directed by Mari Okada, Jun Shishido and Shuuhei Yabuta.
  • The events of the movie take place in a town that is frozen in time and cut off from the rest of the world.
  • The film has already premiered domestically and is now heading to Netflix for its international premiere on January 15, 2024.

One thing that shook anime fans to the core at the end of the year was the finale of an iconic series, Attack on Titan, which is still being discussed and argued about all over the web. Whether you enjoyed it or not is one question, but there is no way the ending left you indifferent and without any emotion.

Fortunately, enough time has passed and it's time to move on. Created by Jun Shishido, Attack on Titan: The Final Season may have changed the chemistry in our brains forever, but it wasn't the last work from the directors we'll see. 2024 already promises fans another exciting premiere to keep their minds off things.

Maboroshi, formerly known as Alice and Therese's Illusion Factory, is set to premiere internationally on Netflix early next year, and it's a journey you won't want to miss.

What Is Maboroshi About

Brought to you by the wonderful directing trio of Mari Okada, Jun Shishido and Shuuhei Yabuta, familiar to every fan of the genre, Maboroshi is a story of love in an ever-changing world that gets stuck in time after the unfortunate explosion.

The story is highly cinematic and melodramatic, which could be considered a drawback, but it already swooned the critics upon its domestic release back in September. The international premiere was long overdue, fans believe, as it might give the movie another chance.

The Japanese premiere of the film didn't go as smoothly as some would have hoped, and Okada's story failed to impress as many people, leaving Alice and Therese's Illusion Factory with a controversial 6.8/10 rating on MyAnimeList. With an upcoming Netflix release, the story will get another shot at impressing an even wider audience.

New Anime From Attack on Titan & Jujutsu Kaisen Creators Comes to Netflix in January 2024 - image 1

The hope is that international viewers will grow more fond of a heartfelt story of a world after the disaster, enhanced by MAPPA Studio's beautiful graphics and soundtracks that give the audience chills.

If you want to see Maboroshi, also known as Alice and Therese's Illusion Factory, mark January 15, 2024 on your calendar and tune in to Netflix. Keep an eye out for more exciting releases and premieres coming to Netflix in 2024!

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