Not to Be a Malfoy, but the Weasleys Did Have Too Many Kids

We love the kindhearted redheads as much as the next guy, but they have made some poor life decisions.
So the Weasleys are a pureblood family, but they are extremely poor – this has been established since the beginning of the first Harry Potter book. Molly is a housewife, and Arthur is working a low-paying Ministry job, and they have five kids to provide for by the time Harry meets them (since Bill and Charlie moved out).
The Weasleys’ money problems are pretty severe from Harry’s perspective. They have to buy secondhand clothes, books, and other school supplies for their kids, and Ron even has to use a broken wand for a whole year just because his parents can’t afford to buy him a new one.
Some Reddit users pointed out that the Weasleys had the majority of material goods they needed, such as food that they could grow in the garden and confiscated objects that Arthur brought home from work.
Basically, they had plenty of anything that could’ve been conjured with magic (multiplied, summoned, or transfigured) and whatever they could make with their own hands and/or spells. Yet this is not the same thing as having enough money.
Things are tough for the family even with five mouths to feed, but can you imagine how difficult it must’ve been when Bill and Charlie were still around and jobless? Too devastating to think about.
Still, the Weasleys are kind of to blame for their own misfortunes. Molly never worked (at least not to the common fan knowledge), Arthur chose to stay at his dead-end job because he was fascinated with muggles and their inventions, and they decided to have seven children.
By the time the twins were born, they must’ve realized that they were lacking resources to raise so many kids with enough funds to spare, but Arthur and Molly went on to have Ron and then Ginny. What was that about?
The Weasleys didn’t think their life plan through and ended up on the edge of poverty, but it was their decisions that led them there (and you won’t change our minds).
Source: Reddit