One Actor Who Robbed Joaquin Phoenix Of Numerous Roles

Few can top Joaquin, but this actor has done it several times.
Roman emperor, country singer and Jesus Christ – with each new role, Joaquin Phoenix proves that nothing is impossible for him.
He did not take acting classes, did not study at the university, did not even graduate from high school, but at the same time became one of the most outstanding actors of our time.
However, there could have been many more roles in his filmography had it not been for a certain actor who, according to Joaquin himself, beat him too often in auditions. Of course, it was Leonardo DiCaprio:
“There would always be like two other guys that I was up against, and we’d always lose to this one kid. No actor would ever say his name, like every casting director would say: [whispering] ‘It’s Leonardo, it’s Leonardo.”
Joaquin is very careful about the roles he chooses: as a rule, he ignores blockbusters and only takes part in projects that really interest him. Like many in Hollywood, the actor is afraid of getting stuck in one role, so he rejects the paths he has taken and chooses paths that have not yet been explored.
An alcoholic musician with a drug addiction, a philosophy professor with a whiskey habit, a hard-drinking war veteran, or a wheelchair-bound cartoonist who belongs to Alcoholics Anonymous. Commonalities can be traced among the long list of characters he has played, but each incarnation on screen looks original and self-sufficient, even if all the characters are united by an addiction.
One of Joaquin's major works was the role of country singer Johnny Cash in the 2005 biopic Walk the Line, which earned him a second Oscar nomination.
The musician personally approved Joaquin's candidacy, but died before filming was completed. For the role, Joaquin learned to play guitar and sing in Cash's voice, and sang all the musical parts in the movie himself.
Although the main award went to Philip Seymour Hoffman for the role of Truman Capote, Joaquin received two statuettes: the Golden Globe for Best Actor and the Grammy for Best Soundtrack. The role of Cash proved once again that Joaquin not only plays his characters, but immerses himself in them completely.
Source: TNT