TV House of the Dragon

One Character House of the Dragon Fans Despised in E9 – And One They Applauded

One Character House of the Dragon Fans Despised in E9 – And One They Applauded
Image credit: Legion-Media

They also happened to have interacted... and it did not end well for one of them.

Warning: the following article contains spoilers for House of the Dragon episode 9

It turns out it's quite dangerous to be a decent human being in House of the Dragon. One such person, Lyonel Strong, who served as Viserys' hand for a while, ended up being targeted by his own brother. Another one appears to have been introduced in the new episode.

It's Lord Lyman Beesbury we're talking about. He was among the few people who were not okay with Alicent Hightower trying to usurp the throne by pushing forward her son Aegon. He was brave enough to openly call her plan "treason" as he faced off the Hightowers and reminded them that Rhaenyra was the only legitimate heir to Viserys.

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However, he was quickly taken down by Ser Criston Cole — a character who already seems to be one of the most hated people in House of the Dragon.

"We thought you to be weak after Episode 1. Never been more happy to be wrong. RIP to the most honorable member and Resident Badass of the small council Lyman Beesbury," said Twitter user Abhijit75035897.

In fact, this is the second time when Cole kills someone without having to bear any consequences for his actions. Earlier, he smashed the face of Joffrey, Laenor's clandestine lover, during Rhaenyra's pre-wedding party.

And people really despise him for that.

"I've never met a more annoying character that I wanted dead like Criston Cole," Twitter fan venusianruler admitted.

While some people are okay with the way Alicent Hightower behaves and how she views things, Ser Criston Cole appears to be a villain for everyone. However, as of now, House of the Dragon doesn't seem to kill off characters who annoy people, resorting to those they love instead.

The season finale might have even more drama in store. It is scheduled to release on Sunday, October 23.