One Detail Led 9-1-1 Fans to Believe Buck’s New Love Interest Is Here to Stay

With each episode, Buddie shippers' dreams are shattered.
- 9-1-1 is a procedural drama about the lives of Los Angeles first responders that focuses heavily on the characters' interpersonal relationships.
- Ever since Eddie Diaz was introduced in season 2, fans have been shipping him off with his on-screen best friend, Evan Buckley.
- When Buck came out as bisexual in season 7 of the show, many viewers were inclined to believe that Buddie would become canon.
- However, all signs point to Tommy, Buck's new love interest, staying on the show for a long time.
Though there are many reasons to watch 9-1-1, the newest addition to ABC's long list of procedurals, many eyes have been glued to the show for the past couple of months because of the queer storyline coming straight from fans' most daring fantasies into canon. Evan Buckley became the center of attention, and now his arc continues.
But no matter how much the writers do to satisfy viewers, the shippers are still far from achieving their goal of making their ship a reality. While Buck explores a new side of himself in his relationship with Tommy, Eddie is torn between a stable life with Marisol and sudden ghosts from his traumatic past. And fans have every right to assume that will not change.
Will Buck and Eddie Get Together?
Of course, it's impossible to look into the future and figure out what's next for both Buck and Eddie, but as far as season 7 goes, fans aren't really expecting any changes in their best friend status. While Eddie has a lot to deal with in his messy relationships and a lot of emotions to sort out, Buck is still growing into his sexuality and his romance with Tommy.
And as one small but extremely important detail about their relationship suggests, Tommy takes what he has with Buck seriously enough to stay, even if they have to face some challenges. This particular detail was noticed by many fans, but was brought up on the r/911FOX subreddit by Help_Iamabird.
“For me, it shows that Tommy is serious about Buck. He doesn’t call him that because he wants to show that he is more than a friend, using a more intimate name to refer to Buck as. I know Buck wanted even his parents to call him Buck, but if he really cared a whole lot he’d correct Tommy, so in my mind, I think he likes it,” they said.
Considering that there hasn't been a single moment in which Tommy has called Buck by any other name or nickname, this was obviously a deliberate choice by the team. So Reddit's theory has a good chance of being correct, which would mean that Buck is taking this relationship much more seriously than any other he has had before.
One thing that has to give Buddie fans at least some comfort is that they are closer to getting what they want than ever before. With ABC already confirming 9-1-1's renewal for season 8, there will be plenty of opportunities for Buck and Eddie's storylines to take another turn.
For now, be sure to tune in to new 9-1-1 episodes every Thursday on ABC and be sure not to miss the season finale airing May 30.
Source: Reddit