One Friends Storyline That Proves Rachel Was Too Naive (It’s Not About Ross)

Anyway, what about that Mark?
- Friends made Ross and Rachel go through a lot before they got together.
- When Mark came into the picture, Ross turned into a super jealous boyfriend and annoyed Rachel.
- However, Rachel should have known that Mark was not just interested in her as a friend.
The one TV show that will never stop being loved and relatable is probably Friends, and there are many reasons for that. The sitcom has so many different storylines that every fan will definitely experience at least something shown on their small screen.
That being said, many viewers are still questioning one particular story that was there during season 3. Remember Mark Robinson, the charming guy Rachel met in the diner where Monica used to work for some time?
Yes, it’s that exact Mark who helped Rachel get her job at Bloomingdale's. When she told Ross that a complete stranger made an arrangement for her and set up everything so the people at Bloomingdale's hired her, Ross was furious with that and started acting like a jealous baboon.
He and the guys said that a single man would only do something like that for a woman to "get in her pants." Of course, this started a huge fight between the couple, but was Ross' reaction really that unexpected?
Even fans agree that even though Mark acted all friendly, he might have been thinking about the impression it would make on Rachel and that she might be interested in a relationship with him after all.
“Unfortunately the world isn’t such a nice place that random people in cafes hook you up with well paying rewarding jobs for no other reason than being nice,” Redditor hot_and_Foamy said.
Rachel's inability to notice such things may be an indicator of how used she is to people being good to her just for the sake of it, without any particular selfish agenda.
The other explanation is the fact that she would never think of Mark in a romantic way because at the time she was with Ross and things were great between them.
“It was pretty clear that she only saw Mark as a friend and since Mark acted like a friend, he wasn’t openly flirting with her and he didn’t come onto her, that’s exactly what he was for her too. The only time he made his feelings very clear was after Rachel and Ross went on a break,” Redditor Divine_fashionva said.
But this only counts for the time before the "break" thing happened. Because right when Mark realized that the relationship between Ross and Rachel was fragile, he rushed into her apartment and made it clear that he was interested in her romantically and sexually. Not cool, Mark...