Movies Quentin Tarantino George Clooney

Quentin Tarantino and George Clooney Fought Over Filming This Peculiar Scene with Salma Hayek

Quentin Tarantino and George Clooney Fought Over Filming This Peculiar Scene with Salma Hayek
Image credit: Miramax Films

Tarantino booked one semi-intimate scene with Hayek for himself, and Clooney was frustrated with that: instead of getting the actress’s toes, he got beaten up by her.

Salma Hayek is one of the most talented and beautiful actresses in Hollywood, and her fans definitely don’t lack in numbers — even among the A-list celebrities. The fact that this list included Quentin Tarantino and George Clooney should not be surprising in itself…but this specific story is quite peculiar, to say the least.

Hayek was cast in Rodriguez and Tarantino’s 1996’s movie From Dusk Till Dawn which later became an absolute cult classic. Her role involved a few scenes that some may find…unusual, but then again — the movie was written by Quentin Tarantino, so would you really be surprised to learn it had a toe-sucking scene?

The funniest bit is, Tarantino wrote this scene himself, the scene where a man is sucking a woman’s toe as she’s pouring alcohol down her leg. Classic Tarantino, right? But then, this genius cast Salma Hayek and…himself for it! That was a big brain move if we’ve ever seen one, but not everyone was happy with his decision.

Apparently, George Clooney also wanted to be Hayek’s partner there. He and Tarantino even had a bit of a feud since they were both interested in being part of this semi-intimate scene with Salma Hayek. Admittedly, the obvious discontent of the Ocean’s Eleven star didn’t change a thing, and Tarantino kept himself for this part.

Clooney got a different scene with Hayek, instead, but it was…let’s just say, it was not what he dreamt about. The actor was really frustrated with Tarantino for that.

“George was complaining because I get to beat him up… I abuse him and call him my slave. He asked Quentin, ‘How come I get beaten up and you get to suck her toes?’ [But] Quentin wrote that scene for himself,” Salma told The Mirror.

This story only goes to highlight what we already know: no one can take Quentin Tarantino’s feet scenes away from him. No one. Not even George Clooney.

Source: The Mirror via The Free Library