Realistically, Is There Even a Chance For The Handmaid’s Tale’s June?

The real tragedy hasn’t even started.
The Handmaid's Tale is truly one of the scariest television shows of the past decade. Although it wouldn't be considered horror, it touches on some issues that don't look too promising for U.S. society, bringing the dystopian story written by Margaret Atwood in the 80s even closer to the present day.
Many people are still rooting for June and many other Handmaids of Gilead to finally break free and overthrow the system they live under. But even if that happens, the future doesn't seem very promising. Living off all the trauma these women have endured would take so much time that they may never be able to reintegrate into society.
The Handmaid's Tale hasn't had a chance to delve deeply into this topic yet, but it has shown its viewers some of June's behavior that symbolizes how she still can't let go of Gilead and its way of life. From not being able to let go of Serena to still keeping her ear tag in Canada, she continues to suffer from the trauma.
Unfortunately, it's unlikely that all of the women will be able to return to normal lives once they are released. While some will continue to genuinely believe in the righteousness of the Gilead regime and its religious teachings, others may spiral into self-hatred for all they have suffered.
Post-traumatic stress disorder comes in many forms, but there is no doubt that it will manifest itself as time goes on.
In June's specific case, a lot would depend on where and with whom she ends up. Unfortunately, it's pretty obvious now that her relationship with Luke won't last, even though he'd be better at reintroducing her to a non-Gilead way of life. Nick, on the other hand, could be a lot rougher.
Although they have a fairly strong bond over the shared trauma, neither of them would have the tools to develop their relationship normally. In the end, they could easily end up just bringing out the worst in each other.
Whether you believe that June still has a chance to live a normal and happy life or not, there's still a whole chapter she has to go through.
If you're interested in seeing it, be sure to keep an eye out for The Handmaid's Tale season 6 release news and behind-the-scenes updates to make sure you don't miss a thing!