
Reddit Picked 5 Movies That Will Help You Get over a Messy Breakup

Reddit Picked 5 Movies That Will Help You Get over a Messy Breakup
Image credit: Legion-Media

Cinema won’t cheat on you.

There are many things that every person goes through in life, both pleasant and very unpleasant. One of the things you'd rather leave to the enemy is going through a painful breakup.

It may sound silly to some people, but it is one of the most devastating things that can happen to a person. Your whole life comes crashing down and you find yourself completely lost.

In moments like this, the only thing you can do is focus on yourself, but that's just too hard to do when you're freshly heartbroken. So maybe instead you should watch a bunch of movies to help you forget that your ex ever existed?

Here's a list of movies that solve the problem perfectly, despite being so different.

1. The Thing (1982)

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A lot of redditors advised this particular John Carpenter movie as the best option in cases like we described. Why not? An old sci-fi thriller will definitely do the trick. It has no romance whatsoever, it’s set in cold Antarctica and follows a team of researchers being chased by monsters. It’s almost a horror movie, if you want! Dogs, aliens, men fighting… perfect!

“Great choice, my gf and I broke up about 5 months ago and I have watched this multiple times since. I find it to be weirdly comforting lol,” Redditor Zealousideal_Mall813 said.

2. Legally Blonde (2001)

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While this may seem totally strange after a previous horror, let us explain to you why Reese Witherspoon’s rom com works perfectly for the case. At first, the movie starts out with a break up that puts the main character, Elle Woods, in a heartbroken girl position. But there’s a catch!

It all works out amazingly well, because in order to win back the man who broke her heart, she begins to become a better person, changing her way of thinking and literally becoming a good-looking nerd interested in everything around her. Once she realizes what a tremendous job she has done and what she has already accomplished, she loses all interest in the boy.

3. Dredd (2012)

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Reddit users say this movie goes with any situation. So basically: feeling bad? Time to watch Dredd! It’s an action science fiction film that follows the life of Dredd – the ultimate Judge of the Mega City One. It’s a futuristic violent city where criminals rule the chaotic streets. And Dredd is the one who makes everybody tremble.

However, all the major crimes are connected to the reality-altering drug trade, and an unlikely team forms to stop it. The plot is so complex, and there are so many unexpected twists and turns, that by the end of the movie you may even forget that you had something to cry about.

4. After Hours (1985)

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This Martin Scorsese movie is definitely one of his hidden gems that for some unknown reason has not been discovered by the masses. But that's no reason to give it up. What's the best way to change the mood for the better? Of course, watch some absurdist movies. And After Hours is just the right one.

Focusing on a mild-mannered word processor from New York, the movie follows him as he decides to go to Soho with a girl he has just met. Little did he know that this decision would turn his life into a surreal nightmare.

“I just watched After Hours and I was blown away! It is way too overlooked and actually might be my second favorite Scorsese film after Taxi Driver. As much as I love Goodfellas, After Hours was extremely unique, well written, and had such a tight script. To top it all off, it was edited perfectly together,” Reddit user b_craig_02 said.

5. Swingers (1996)

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Long story short, an old-school comedy is still the best way to turn off your mind. This one follows Mike, a guy who has a dream of becoming a Hollywood star, that’s why he left his girlfriend in New-York and moved to L.A. But it turned out to be a lot harder than he thought to forget her.

“It’s a perfect post breakup movie. I don’t know how many times I watched this while going through a breakup. Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau star. It also has a great soundtrack!” Redditor Yamamoto74 said.