Reddit Poll Reveals Most Controversial Big Bang Theory Storyline

Everyone's favorite sitcom ended back in 2019, but fans are still discussing all the great storylines shown in the comedy series
The story of Sheldon, Leonard, and Penny has managed to win over its audience for 12 seasons of the show, and people still can't let go of their favorite nerds. This time, the Big Bang Theory community decided to find out which of the dozens of storylines could be considered the most controversial of all, and the Reddit's poll results were not all that surprising.
After much deliberation, a huge portion of fans found Penny's pregnancy to be the most controversial. But why?
The answer lies in fans' extensive knowledge of the series and how Penny's personality has been carefully constructed over the years: many viewers agreed that she has always been presented as a child-free person who doesn't particularly care about building a family. So, it was quite a surprise to everyone to learn that Penny had a complete change of heart when she broke the news to her friends and viewers.
Of course, the commentators' feelings are understandable: many believe that the show's writing team simply erased Penny's previous thoughts on the matter, while other fans rightly argue that people change over time. Some found instances in the show where Penny described having children as a real possibility one day, concluding that her child-free status was never meant to be absolute.
The series' other storyline that has been deemed as controversial is the one where Penny wants to earn half the credit for discovering the comet, even though she has done nothing scientific to back up her claims. Some found this plot detail annoying and uncharacteristic of Penny, who was never considered a person to crave fame and unfair success.
Another debatable storyline involved Leonard and Priya's relationship in season 4, in which Penny was very jealous of Priya for possibly stealing her boyfriend. Viewers are still arguing about which version of the whole fiasco is the correct one, which makes the overall storyline quite controversial.