TV House of the Dragon Game of Thrones

Rhaenyra and Daemon Age Difference Isn't the Most Sickening Thing About Their Relationship

Rhaenyra and Daemon Age Difference Isn't the Most Sickening Thing About Their Relationship
Image credit: HBO Max

Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon both have their fair share of Targaryen incest. And it would appear that viewers are supposed to just kinda run with it and accept that it's standard practice for the rulers of Westeros.

And yet, some things are just a bit too weird to ignore. Like the relationship between Rhaenyra and Daemon. Daemon's age in the show is not explicitly revealed, but neither are we led to believe that his age is significantly different from what it is in George R. R. Martin's books. So, let's agree that he is (give or take) 16 years older than Rhaenyra.

This places him in his early 30s when we first see him meet his niece. Yes, his niece. His teenage niece who we immediately realise he has a bit of a thing for. Ok, so now we're saying that it's not the age gap between the two that irks us, but the fact that this grown adult is attracted to his brother's daughter. And yes, that's weird.

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It's also a bit creepy. Rhaenyra fancying Daemon is not altogether disgusting. Him acting on it is. But let's remember that we're in Westeros where this kind of relationship doesn't raise eyebrows. I mean, didn't King Viserys suggest Rhaenyra should marry her 2-year-old brother!?

Ok, so that marriage didn't happen. But the mere thought of it – weird, weird, weird!

Anyway, back to Rhaenyra and Daemon. By the time they get married at the end of episode 7, the age gap feels a little less jarring given that they're now both consenting adults with their own children and previous relationships. But they're still uncle and niece, and that remains an oddity in our world – if not theirs.

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But that's then. And it doesn't make Daemon participating in his niece's first taste of sex all those years ago any less – well, gross.

But do you know the most sickening thing about this whole relationship?

No, it's not seeing Dr. Who's naked backside on your TV screen. It's far worse than that. And fortunately, it's something that was glossed over by the showrunners. But in George R. R. Martin's Fire and Blood, their relationship isn't even just one of a hormonal girl and her uncle with no morals.

See, in the book series, Rhaenyra fancies Ser Criston Cole. And if you're asking what that's got to do with Daemon, well, her ever-so-helpful uncle teaches Rhaenyra to make Ser Criston "see her as a woman".

And what form does this 'teaching' take?

Kissing lessons. Of course it does. Oh, and education in "pleasuring a man with her mouth". All in the aid of helping Rhaenyra get with Ser Criston Coles. Daemon really is a gentleman, isn't he?