Ryan Gosling's Classic Romance Masterpiece Lands on Max in February

Ryan Gosling's Classic Romance Masterpiece Lands on Max in February
Image credit: New Line Cinema

It's time to go back to the roots of the best romantic movies.


  • 2004's The Notebook is an undeniable classic of the romance genre, based on the book by Nicholas Sparks, who was inspired by the relationship of his wife's grandparents.
  • The studio later bought the rights for a film adaptation, which was eventually directed by Nick Cassavetes.
  • The Notebook is coming to Max on February 1.

In every genre, there are cult films that are recognized by the vast majority of viewers. Science fiction fans love Star Wars, fantasy fans rewatch The Lord of the Rings, and for the past twenty years, fans of romantic stories have had one exemplary movie that everyone should see – Nick Cassavetes' The Notebook, released in 2004 and based on the novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks.

The Notebook Is a Semi-Biographical Movie

The Notebook was not the first book that Sparks wrote. He first became interested in writing in 1985, during his summer vacation when her injured his leg. Sitting home alone, Sparks wrote a novel called The Passing, but never got around to publishing it.

Several years later, Sparks wrote another book, but did not publish it either. Nevertheless, 1989 was one of the happiest years in the writer's life, as Nicholas married a girl he had met just a year earlier. It was also the time when he got the idea for the book that would later be called The Notebook.

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On Sparks' wedding day, the bride's grandparents were ill and unable to attend the ceremony, and the next day Nicholas' wife persuaded him to put on his tuxedo again and visit her relatives.

When Sparks met the older members of his new family, he was amazed that after sixty years of marriage, they still loved each other as tenderly as the day they declared their love. Nicholas made a mental note to find out more about his grandparents and make them the main characters of the new book.

After finally finishing The Notebook in 1994, Sparks sent it to a literary agency. The name Nicholas Sparks was unknown at the time, and no one noticed the novel except one of the agents. She offered her services to Sparks and, a year later, received a million-dollar advance from Time Warner Book Group.

The Notebook Got Stuck in Production Hell for Years

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Potential bestsellers reach Hollywood movie studios long before they go on sale. This is what happened with The Notebook – the book went on sale in October 1996, and work on the screenplay began in March of that year.

However, the movie got stuck in production hell, and after going through several screenwriters and potential directors (including Steven Spielberg himself), The Notebook fell into the hands of Nick Cassavetes in 2002.

And fans of the movie already know what happened next. Then-unknown Canadian actors Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams were cast in the lead roles, and they radiated such chemistry off the screen that it was impossible not to believe that the two actors were actually in love.

The Notebook Is Coming to Max

The Notebook will be available on Max very soon, on February 1. So stock up on a pack of tissues or two.

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