
Ryan Reynolds Went For The Best Possible Thing When Stealing From Deadpool Set

Ryan Reynolds Went For The Best Possible Thing When Stealing From Deadpool Set
Image credit: Twentieth Century Fox Film

Ryan Reynolds is no stranger to superhero movies as he’s been part of both the DC and Marvel universes — and each time, he wanted to keep something more than just memories from the sets.

Even we, the viewers, tend to grow pretty close to the characters we care about, so it’s hard to imagine how much it hurts the actors who play them to give up their roles. Each character is an entirely different person that performers study and essentially become, so leaving them behind is like ripping a part of themselves out for actors.

To no surprise, actors often want to keep something more than just memories about the time they spent on the set: they want physical evidence. There are quite a few funny stories about various performers sneaking their characters’ attributes out to keep for themselves, and Ryan Reynolds is no different: he loves stealing from sets!

Especially from his superhero movies.

Back in the day, Reynolds made an admittedly terrible Green Lantern movie with DC. While both the audience and the actor himself make no secret of the fact that the movie came out awful, Ryan Reynolds still decided to steal his character’s magical ring from the set — and years later, he was called out on that by Warner Bros.

Ryan Reynolds Went For The Best Possible Thing When Stealing From Deadpool Set - image 1

However, even after the company jokingly demanded the ring back, Reynolds didn’t give up: instead, he tweeted a witty response back and was happy with himself.

“Well, if we’d used a NuvaRing in the first place, we wouldn’t be in this mess. #deadpool2,” the actor said.

In case you’re confused, Reynolds referred to a female contraceptive, hinting that Green Lantern was a mistake and would’ve been better off never conceived anyway. The Deadpool 2 hashtag only made this response better.

But don’t let Ryan Reynolds fool you: he didn’t sneak out the Green Lantern’s ring just to make this joke. He generally loves stealing his superhero stuff, and with Deadpool, he did just the same…but this time, he decided to take the entire costume!

“I loved wearing [my Deadpool costume] and I have run away with one. I’ll probably get into trouble for saying that, but I’ve waited 10 years to do this movie. So, I’m leaving with a f*cking suit,” the actor shared with Marie Claire.

So yeah. If you invite Ryan Reynolds to play a superhero, you better make sure you have quite a few copies of everything: at least one thing will definitely go missing.

Source: Marie Claire via Female First UK